(source: http://www.rain.org/~galvan/)
Edited and compiled by Anthony Galvan III,
Southern California Kendo Federation
October, 1994
KENDO Match Regulations & Refereeing
Revised May 27, 1988
International Kendo Federation
The Concept of Kendo
The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through
the application of the principles of the Katana.
The purpose of Kendo is:
To mold the mind and body,
To cultivate a vigorous spirit,
And through correct and rigid training,
To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo;
To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor,
To associate with others with sincerity,
And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.
Thus will one be able
To love his country and society,
To contribute to the development of culture,
And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples.
I. Prologue
Chapter 1: Match Definitions
Chapter 2: Match Arena
Chapter 3: Equipment
Chapter 4: Match Types/Styles
Chapter 5: Start; Suspension/Resumption/Ending
Chapter 6: Match Time Periods
Chapter 7: DATOTSU (Strike/Types)
Chapter 8: HANSOKU (Fouls)
Chapter 9: BASSOKU (Penalty)
Chapter 10: Injury or Accident
Chapter 11: IGI (Protests)
Chapter 12: SHINPAN (Refereeing)
Chapter 13: KAKARI (Court Personnel)
Chapter 14: Flag & Ribbon Specifications
Chapter 1: Match Winner (Decisions)
Chapter 2: SHINPAN (Referee)
Chapter 3: YUKO DATOTSU (Valid Strikes)
Chapter 4: Major Points in Refereeing
Chapter 5: Handling other court decisions
Chapter 1: Participant items
Chapter 2: Referee items
Chapter 3: Score Board Posting
I. Prologue
Kendo Match (Shiai) and Judging (Referee) Regulations.
The Concept of Kendo: kendo is to discipline the human
character through the application of the principle of the KATANA.
On the basis of the proceeding Concept of Kendo, the following
regulations of kendo shiai and judging are hereby enacted.
Chapter 1 - Shiai definitions
Article 1. A kendo match (shiai) is herein defined as a
contest between two contestants for YUKO DATOTSU using
kendo equipment and conducted in an area as stipulated
in accordance with the Regulations of Kendo Shiai and
Refereeing as herein set forth.
Chapter 2 - Match Area
Article 2. The match (court) area shall have the following
1. A match area shall be a square or rectangle of 9 to 11
meters on each side, the width of the line tape inclusive.
2. The center of the court shall be marked with an "X" made
of two pieces of white tape, 30 centimeters in length each.
3. An extra area shall be provided outside a court when next
to another court. The area should be at lease 1.5 meters wide
from the boundary line.
4. The boundary lines shall be made with white tape, 5 to 10
centimeters wide.
Fig. 1
|< 9 to 11 meters >|
| |
| | < white tape
| |
| center |
| |
| X |
| 30 cm white tape |
| |
| |
| |
Chapter 3 - Equipment
Article 3. SHINAI shall be made of four split pieces of bamboo
or a synthetic material than can substitute bamboo. The shinai
shall not include any other articles than the SHIN which is
stuffed inside the point cover or the CHIGIRI that is added
inside the end of hilt.
Article 4. The following table establishes shinai weight and length.
Length Male/Female 114 cm max 117 cm max 120 cm max
Shinai Male 425 gr. min 470 gr. min 500 gr. min
Wt. Female 400 gr. min 410 gr. min 420 gr. min
The length refers to the total length including accessories, and the
weight to the total weight of the SHINAI, including all accessories
excluding the TSUBA.
Shinai Construction
Article 5. Shown are the parts and names of a SHINAI:
Fig. 2
sakigawa nakayui tsuru(string) tsuba tsuka-gawa
ken-sen> <______||______________________|_______ ]-tsuka-gashira
|^ \ jin or ha |
|<---------------Jin-Bu-------->< tsuka>
DATOTSU-BU refers to the point (about one-third the length)
of the JIN-BU from the KEN-SEN.
Article 6. The TSUBA is round in shape and made of leather
or a synthetic material. It shall not exceed 8cm in diameter
and be fixed at the specific position on the shinai.
Article 7. KENDOGU or BOGU (equipment) refers to the MEN
(head gear), KOTE (gloves), DO (body), TARE (waist protector)
as a set and the kendo costume consisting of the KEIKOGI
(jacket) and HAKAMA (skirt).
a. The match player shall wear a folded ribbon, red or white,
worn at the
crossing point of the DO laces (HIMO) on the contestants back.
The contestant shall also wear a cloth name tag (ZEKKEN) on
the center piece of the TARE, showing the contestant's name and dojo.
Chapter 4 - Match Type/Styles
Article 8. INDIVIDUAL match winners shall be decided in the
following manner:
a. The individual match shall be decided by SAN-BON-SHOBU
(three point scoring) as a rule.
b. In SAN-BON-SHOBU, the contestant who scores two points
within the given time shall be the winner. However, if only
one competitor scores a point within the match period,
they shall be declared the winner of the match.
c. If neither player scores a point within the match period,
a match extension(s) (ENCHO) may be allowed until a point is
scored. The person scoring the point shall be declared the
winner. Or, the match may be decided by a referee's
judgment (HANTEI) or by lot (CHUSEN), or be declared a draw (HIKIWAKE).
d. If a match is decided by a referee's decision or by lot,
the winner shall be given one point.
e. Referee's decisions shall be based on the following
overall points:
1. Posture and manner
2. Skill
3. Fouls
Article 9. A TEAM match shall be carried out as follows:
a. Individual's matches shall be carried out in a
pre-determined order.
b. The TEAM match may have a majority winner and a
successive winner.
c. A majority winner means that in the individual matches,
the team with the highest number of winners shall be
declared the winner.
If both teams have an equal number of winners, the
team that scores the highest number of points shall be
declared the winner.
If the number of points happens to come to a draw,
two individuals from each team shall fight until a
winner is declared.
d. A successive winner means that a player of a team
continues to fight against
opponents, as long as the individual keeps winning.
The team which beats the last player on a team shall
be declared the winner.
Chapter 5 - Match Start/Time outs/Finish
Article 10. The contestants shall step into the court,
place themselves approximately nine steps apart and
exchange REI (bow). Then, move three steps forward,
take the SONKYO (knee bend squat) at the same time
drawing the SHINAI with the tips about one inch apart
and getting into the KAMAE
(ready position). At the HAJIME (start) command from
the Chief Referee they
shall stand up and begin fighting.
Article 11. A match "time out" can be called by any
court referee. The match can only be resumed by a command
form the Chief Referee.
Article 12. A match is ended upon a win (two or one points)
or a draw as
indicated by the Chief Referee. The contestants will stand
at KAMAE on
CHUDAN (ready position) after the match has been halted by
the Chief Referee.
The Chief Referee will then identify the winner.
The contestants will take the
SONKYO position, replace their SHINAI, stand up, take
five steps backward and bow and leave the court.
Chapter 6 - Match Time
Article 13. The standard match time period is five (5)
minutes after the Chief Referee has commenced the match.
Article 14. The standard extension (overtime) shall be
three (3) minutes.
Article 15. The time required to complete the following
shall not be counted as match time:
a. The time from the moment the Chief Referee announces
a valid YUKO
DATOTSU (point or strike)until the match is resumed.
b. The time from the calling of a time our (suspension)
until the match is resumed by the Chief Referee.
Chapter 7 - DATOTSU (valid strikes/hits)
Article 16. The valid strike points on the body shall
be the following:
a. MEN (head). The forehead and the left and right
areas above the temple. The forehead is the cushion part
of the MEN and not the metal screen. However, the screen
may become a valid strike point if player throws their head back.
b. KOTE (hand). The area on the forearm covered by the
round patterned covering. Generally the right forearm,
the left forearm can also be a valid point during
CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE (left hand forward holding the sword);
(a KAMAE where the SHINAI is held over the head);
where the SHINAI is held downward by the right foot);
(where the KOTE is held above the pit of the
stomach, except when executing DATOTSU); and KAMAE
variations from CHUDAN. The top of the hand is not
a valid DATOTSU.
c. DO (torso). The left and right sides of the DO.
d. TSUKI (throat). The TSUKI-TARE (throat flap on the
MEN) and the breast section of the DO when JODAN-NO KAMAE
and NITO-NO-KAMAE are used.
Article 17. YUKO DATOTSU is defined as the accurate striking
or thrusting made to DATOTSU spots with the SHINAI at its
(spirit and positive voice), the right posture, and ZANSHIN
(mental and physical alertness against the opponents attack;
positive follow through of attack and strike),
a. One handed DATOTSU and DATOTSU in retreat, however,
must be executed after a clear positive strike.
b. GO-NO-WAZA (DATOTSU countering an opponent's DATOTSU)
as a counter or parry to TSUBA-ZERIAI (when both opponents
establish contact with TSUBA) must be clear and precise.
2. An accurate DATOTSU in the following instances shall be valid:
a. When a DATOTSU is made immediately after a player
loses their grip on the SHINAI or drops it.
b. DATOTSU made simultaneously when the opponent steps
out of bounds (court).
c. DATOTSU made simultaneously when the match is
signaled as ended.
3. DATOTSU in the following cases will not be considered valid:
a. AIUCHI (valid DATOTSU made mutually and simultaneously
by both opponents).
b. DATOTSU made to an opponent who is parrying his opponent effectively.
Chapter 8 - HANSOKU (Match Fouls/Penalty)
Article 18. Actions made by a contestant as defined in
Articles 19, 20, and 21 shall be considered foul actions:
Article 19. An insult to an opponent or referee.
Article 20. Use of a SHINAI which has not been inspected
and approved or which contains foreign materials.
Article 21. The following actions by a contestant:
a. JOGAI (stepping out of bounds during the match) except
when the competitor's YUKO DATOTSU is taken and then canceled.
JOGAI includes the following:
1. Placing one foot totally outside the court line.
2. Bracing the body with a part of the body or SHINAI
outside the court line.
3. Falling on the floor with part of the body crossing the court line.
b. Unfair shoving or pushing an opponent out of bounds. In this case, the player
pushed out of bounds shall be free from JOGAI HANSOKU.
c. Losing the grip of the SHINAI and being unable to use it.
No foul of SHINAI-HANASHI will be made, unless the opponent
makes YUKO DATOTSU immediately upon the player
who has lost the SHINAI.
d. TSUBA-ZERI-AI (TSUBA to TSUBA contact) without intention
of making DATOTSU.
e. Tripping or sweeping an opponent off their feet intentionally.
f. The following unacceptable actions:
1. TSUBA-ZERI-AI in an unacceptable form.
2. Intentionally pushing an opponent with the tip of the
SHINAI to break TSUBA-ZERI-AI contact.
3. Intentionally grabbing or holding an opponent.
4. Grabbing an opponent's SHINAI or grabbing one's own
SHINAI beyond the TSUBA.
5. Calling "Time" without good reason.
6. Using unnecessary force on an opponent.
7. When falling to the floor, falling and lying "face down"
without trying to counter the opponent's moves.
8. Intentionally wasting time.
9. Any other acts or actions considered to impeded or hinder
fair competition.
Chapter 9 - BASSOKU (Penalty)
Article 22. The competitor that commits the foul in Article 19
shall lose the match and leave the court. The opponent will be
given two points. If the player committing the foul has scored
up to this point, the points shall be forfeited completely.
Article 23. The player that commits a foul in Article 20 will
receive the following penalties:
a. In the case of an individual match, the player committing
the foul shall lose the match by giving two points to the
opponent and shall have their points or score forfeited.
b. In the case of a team match, the team belonging to the
player who committed the foul shall lose the match by giving
two point to each member of the opponents team and shall
forfeit all points or scores gained up to that point
c. If the foul is committed during championship tournament,
neither the individual committing the foul nor that individual's
team may stay in the event after discovery of the foul or violation.
d. Items a and b shall not apply to matches where the player
participated, prior to the discovery of the foul. Nonetheless,
in the case of league matches, player or their team shall lose
all matches concerned.
Article 24. In the case of Article 21, item a, where one player
steps out of bounds, followed by their opponent, only the
former shall be penalized. However, when two players step out
simultaneously, both shall be penalized for stepping out of bounds.
Article 25. In the case of Article 21, item d, the player
committing the foul shall be given CHUI (a warning) once and
shall receive a penalty at the second occurrence of the action.
Article 26. In Article 21, the person committing item d the
second time shall get a penalty and the opponent shall receive
one point for the violator's two penalties.
Article 27. The number of Article 21 penalties shall be
cumulative during the match of any player committing this foul.
SOSAI - (offset)
Article 28. In the case of an extension or when both players
have scored one point each, when a second foul is committed
by both players simultaneously, the fouls shall be offset
and neither player penalized.
Chapter 10 - Injury or Accident
Article 29. Request to stop a match. A contestant may request
a time out during a match when they are unable to continue
do to an accident.
Article 30. Inability to continue. In the case where a
contestant cannot continue the match due to an accident, if
the opponent is responsible for the accident, whether
intentionally or unintentional, that opponent shall lose the match.
If the cause of the accident cannot be ascertain, the
incapacitated player shall lose the match.
Article 31. The player who cannot continue a match due
to an accident or requests an end to a match shall become
the loser of the match.
Article 32. Time out due to an accident. The court referees
shall spend no more than five (5) minutes in handling an
accident. The shall decide, after conference, on continuance
of the match. and may also seek counsel of a doctor to do the same.
Article 33. Reinstatement of an injured player. Where a team
match is concerned, the player who sought an end to a match
in accordance with Article 30 and 31 shall not be permitted
to reinstate themselves in the remaining part of the match.
Article 34. Points made during injury. The player fighting
the injured competitor, in accordance with Articles 30 and 31,
shall be given two (2) points. The injured player may retain
one point if already given. In the case of an extension, however,
the uninjured player shall be given one point only.
Chapter 11 - IGI (Protests)
Article 35. No one shall have the right to protest against
the referee's decisions.
Article 35. A competitor's manager may file a protest with the
court judge or the chief judge against the aforementioned rule
regarding a specific match BEFORE another match begins.
Chapter 12 - SHINPAN (Judging)
Article 37. SHINPANCHO (Chief Judge) is entrusted will all
the needed powers to see that a match is performed in a fair
and proper manner.
Article 38. SHINPAN SHUNIN (court judge) shall be appointed
when two or more courts are used. A court judge shall be
appointed per court as an assistant to the Chief Judge.
The court judge shall be held responsible to the Chief Judge
for the judging (refereeing) at their respective court.
Article 39. SHINPAN-IN (court referees) A team of one SHU-SHIN
(chief referee) and two FUKU-SHIN (subreferees) shall decide on
YUKO-DATOTSU and HANSOKU. They shall have equal rights for
decisions. The chief referee shall, in coordination with the
subreferees, see that a match proceeds and shall announce all
court actions. The subreferees shall serve as assistants to
the chief referee.
Chapter 13 - KAKARI (Court Staff)
Article 40. TOKEI GAKARI (Time Keeper). There shall be, in
principle, one head time keeper and two or more subkeepers
per court who shall keep track of each match. These time keepers
will signal the end of a match at the end of the stipulated time period.
Article 41. KEIJI GAKARI (Score Board Recorder). There shall be,
in principle, one head recorder and two or more subrecorders
per court who shall mark the referee's decisions on the score
board correctly.
Article 42. KIROKU GAKARI (Score Recorder). There shall be,
in principle, one head score recorder and two or more
subrecorders per court who shall keep track of scores, points
of YUKO DATOTSU, match time, HANSOKU, etc.
Article 43. SENSHU GAKARI (Court Announcer). There shall be,
in principle, one head court announcer and two or more
subannouncers per court who shall call players and inspect
their equipment in order to get a match to proceed
without undue delays.
Chapter 14 Flag & Ribbon usage.
Article 44. The specifications for the referee flags and
others shall be as indicated in Fig. 4. The handles of
these flags shall be 1.5 cm in diameter.
Article 45. Contestant's ribbons. The contestant's ribbon
shall be 70 cm long and 5 cm wide, either red or white.
Chapter 1 - Decisions: Victory/defeat.
Article 1. The victory/defeat decision of a match shall be
decided by referees in accordance with the rules herein set forth.
Chapter 2. SHINPAN (Referee)
Article 2. Court referees shall consist of a Chief Judge,
Court Judges (appointed when there are two courts or more)
and referees. In general, a match is judged by a team of a
Chief Referee and two subreferees.
Article 3. The Chief Referee shall, with the overall
authority to administer a match, assign to any other judge
to motion and announce, by the use of referee flags,
YUKO DATOTSU and HANSOKU; and motion and announce victory or draw
at the end of a match.
Article 4. Subreferees shall have equal authority and
responsibility to those of the Chief Referee in motioning
YUKO DATOTSU and HASOKU and shall assist the Chief Referee
in administering a match.
A subreferee has authority to stop a match in the event of
an emergency, foul, or end of time, etc.
Chapter 3 - YUKO DATOTSU
Article 5. A DATOTSU shall become valid with one (1) point
in scoring in the following cases:
a. When two or three referees make the motion of YUKO DATOTSU.
b. When one referee makes a motion of YUKO DATOTSU and
the other two show agreement.
Article 6. YUKO DATOTSU without ZANSHIN (spirit and completeness)
regardless of the prior announcement, be withdrawn and canceled
upon a referees consultation.
Chapter 4 - Major Points in Refereeing.
Article 7. Referees shall observe the following points
in refereeing:
a. The Chief Referee shall announce "HAJIME (Start)"
when the two contestants are in a ready stance after taking
the SONKYO position in KAMAE.
b. As soon as one referee motions YUKO DATOTSU or HANSOKU,
the other two shall respond with their motions.
c. The Chief Referee shall, as soon as YUKO DATOTSU is
called, announce it and get the contestants back to
center court.
d. In case of a court consultation, the Chief Referee
will announce GOGI (consultation) and consultant with
the subreferees at center court. The contestants will stop and
remain away from the center of the court.
e. Referees shall, upon seeing a HANSOKU, stop the
match, consult with one another, and announce HANSOKU.
Referees may, if a HANSOKU is obvious, save GOGI and motion
it with flags.
f. The Chief Referee shall, at a player's request, stop
the match and question the reason.
g. The Chief Referee shall, after a match is stopped,
bring the contestants back to center court prior to resuming play.
h. The Chief Referee shall, in the following cases, stop
the match if a contestant does not give DATOTSU immediately
and bring both players to center court to resume the bout:
1. When a player falls on the court.
2. When a player lets go of their SHINAI.
I. Referees shall handle TSUBA-ZERI-AI that is prolonged
without intention of DATOTSU in the following manner:
1. The Chief Referee shall stop the match (TSUBA-ZERI-AI
may be allowed for 20 seconds) when there is not indication of DATOTSU.
2. The Chief Referee shall indicate with a flag which
contestant is guilty of the infraction.
3. Subreferees shall indicate either, neither, or both
players are guilty of the infraction.
4. The Chief Referee shall, after acknowledging the
subreferee's responses, bring the contestants back to center
court and announce CHUI to the responsible player(s).
On a second violation, however, that player shall receive a
HANSOKU penalty.
j. The Chief Referee shall handle OFFSET or HANSOKU in the
following manner:
1. In the first instance of OFFSET, the Chief Referee
shall first announce HANSOKU to the red-ribboned player and
to the white-ribboned player, in that order and then
announce SOSAI (offset) while using the flag.
2. At the second OFFSET, the Chief Referee shall immediately
announce SOSAI and indicate with the flag.
k. Referees shall inform the Chief Referee of a SHINAI
being handled with the TSURU (center cord) facing down at
the first instance. The Chief Referee shall
then stop the match, indicate to the offending player to
correct their grip, and shall invalidate the violator's
DATOTSU as long as the wrong grip is being used.
l. In case of HANTEI (judge's decision without YUKO DATOTSU),
all the referees shall indicate their decision at the
Chief Referee's command.
m. In the case of a team match foul, the Chief Referee
shall get the opponent team to line-up and declare the
latter's victory with a gesture of one hand.
Article 8. Flag's. Referee's shall use their flags in the
following manner:
a. When a referee sees a player's DATOTSU to be YUKO,
they shall raise the
appropriate colored flag at a 45 degree angle and shall
return to their starting position on the court, keep the
flag up, while the Chief Referee declares YUKO DATOTSU.
If the other two referees do not see or agree of a YUKO
DATOTSU, the flag shall be dropped at once and the match continues.
b. Where a referee call is different than the other two
judges, they shall motion
by swinging crosswise the two flags they are holding downward.
The crossing of the flags shall stop as soon as the other
judges acknowledge the motion. The referees shall return to
their original locations whenever a YUKO DATOTSU call is made.
c. When a referee changes their the mind about a call,
they shall indicate it by crossing their two flags with
their hands stretched downward; the red flag is placed on
the white without a waving motion.
d. When the Chief Judge announces a YUKO DATOTSU they
shall do so in the manner described in Item a. They shall
return to their starting position, while keeping the flag raised.
e. As soon as the Chief Referee announces NIHON ME
(begin for the second point) or SHOBU (begin for the match point),
the subreferees shall lower their flags.
f. In order for a YUKO DATOTSU to be withdrawn, they shall
consult each other for an agreement and the Chief Referee shall
indicate the withdrawal by swinging the flags the flags
crosswise in front of their knees.
g. When a referee halts a match, they shall raise both flags
straight up from wherever they are standing and return to
their original starting position maintaining both flags in
the air. Only after the referee has seen the contestants comply with
the instruction made earlier can the referee drop the flags.
h. When a Chief Referee begin to announce HIKIWAKE (draw),
they shall raise both flags, with the red flag over the white
flag and lower them after the call.
I. HANSOKU cancellation (re: Match Regulation, Chapter 9,
Article 28) shall be announced by the Chief Referee, who
shall swing the flags crosswise in front of their knees
during the announcement.
j. A referee shall raise two flags in their right hand
straight out and announce GOGI (consultation) when there
is a need for a time out.
k. GOGI may be skipped when the foul is apparent and demonstrate
their decision by extending straight out at a 45 degrees
from the shoulder, either the red or white flag, as applicable.
The referee will return to their position and lower their
flag upon the Chief Referee's announcement of HANSOKU.
l. In the case where the Chief Referee gives one point
to a player because of a HANSOKU committed by the other player,
the Chief Referee shall first declare with a gesture towards
the violator, the total number of HANSOKU and announce the call.
m. When a match must be called with a HANTEI (decision), all
the Referees shall simultaneously raise the appropriate flag
as described in Article 8, Item 1 upon the Chief Referee's
declaration of the winner. In the case of HANTEI, neither
HIKIWAKE nor renunciation motioning may be given.
n. In order for the Chief Referee to declare a winner, they
shall raise the appropriate flag as described in Article 8,
Item 1 and lower it upon completion of the announcement.
Article 9. Announcing calls and decisions. Referees shall
call and announce their decisions in the following manner:
a. Announce the beginning of the match with HAJIME (start)
when the two contestants are at the ready after taking the
SON-KYO position after taking KAMAE.
b. Announce the resumption of a match with HAJIME when the
players take the ready position standing at KAMAE.
The players remain still when the call is given.
d. Announce the beginning of NIHONME (start for second point)
after the players have returned to their center position
e. Announce the beginning of a SHOBU (play-off) after the
players have returned to their center position with SHOBU.
f. Announce HANTEI after the players have returned to their
center position.
g. Announce the play-off decision with SHOBU-ARI after
the players have returned to center court.
h. Announce a match extension with ENCHO, HAJIME after
the players have returned to center court.
I. Announce a single point victory with IPPON GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI (winner by a single point) after the players
have returned to center court.
j. Announce a winner by default (opponent not present)
with FUSEN GACHI, SHOBU-ARI. The winning player will approach
the center, SON-KYO, and rise to KAMAE for the call.
k. Announce a winner by HANTEI (decision) with HANTEI GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI after the contestants have returned to center court.
l. Announce a winner by CHUSEN (lot) with CHUSEN GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI after the contestants have returned to center court.
m. Announce a play-off match by representing players with
DAISHYOSHA-SEN (play-off by representatives). An announcement
is made to the managers of each team who inform the Court Judge
or Chief Judge of who will comprise the team.
n. Announce a time out during a match with YAME. Contestants
remain where they are during the call.
o. Announce HANSOKU by identifying the HANSOKU such as
"JYOGAI with the number of times of the infraction, such as
NI-KAI two times (by showing two fingers). The announcement is
made after the contestants return to center court.
HANSOKU are the following:
1. JYOGAI - stepping out of bounds.
2. OSHIDASHI or TSUKIDASHI - unfair pushing or shoving an
opponent outside the court.
3. SHINAI HANASHI - letting go of the SHINAI.
4. TSUBA-ZERI-AI - prolonging TSUBA contact without intention of DATOTSU.
5. ASHI-KAKE or ASHI-BARAI - tripping or sweeping an opponent
of their feet.
6. KOSEI-O-GAISURU KOI (unjustifiable act) a violation of
Match Regulations.
Chapter 8, Article 21, Item 6.
p. Announce a point earned by HANSOKU with IPPON-ARI (one point).
In this case the call of HANSOKU shall be made first to the
violator and then to the player receiving the point.
q. Announce a victory when a player insults an opponent or
referee with JINKAKU MUSHI (insult), SHOBU-ARI. In this
case, the former announcement will be made first to the
violator and then to the player receiving the point.
r. Announce a victory when an illegal SHINAI is used with
FUSEI-SHINAI-SHIYO, SHOBU-ARI. The call will be made to
the violator and then to the player receiving the point.
s. Announce a stop of play requested by a player or by the
judgment of a referee with YAME (stop). The players remain
where they are when the call is made.
t. Announce CHUI to the players at TSUBA-ZERI-AI-CHUI.
The referee shall point towards the violator after the
contestants have returned to center court.
u. Announce SOSAI (offset) such as SOSAI or ONAJIKU, as
the case may be, after the contestants have returned to
center court.
v. Announce a victory when there is a match refusal or
discontinuation with SHIAI KYOHI-SHOBU-ARI, after the
contestants have returned to center court.
w. Announce an inability to fight with SHIAI-FUNO,
SHOBU-ARI after the players have returned to center court.
x. Announce a victory when a player has committed an
act discontinuing the match with FUHO (unjustifiable)
KOI (act), SHOBU-ARI after the players have returned to center court.
y. Announce a draw with HIKI-WAKE (draw) after the players
have returned to center court.
Chapter 5 - Handling Other Matters.
Article 10. Referees shall handle all other matters than
those discussed in the preceding chapters in mutual
consultation, subject to approval by the Court or Chief Judge.
1. The rule hereabove set forth may be totally or partially
modified for the convenience of a championship/competition
meet as a result of unusual size or nature.
2. The rules are in effect as of April 1, 1979.
Appendix a.
a. The rules have been partially revised as of April 2, 1979.
Appendix b.
b. The rules have been partially revised as of May 27, 1988.
IV.SUPPLEMENT: Matters Important to a Match.
No. 1. Matters which players must pay attention to:
1. Players shall act in the following manner at the beginning
and end of a match:
Arrival or Departure
1. Upon entering the court, players shall line up at their seats, give REI to the
main stand at the order of the Manager and take their seats. Likewise, prior to
departure, they shall line up and give REI and leave the court. Their REI shall
reflect courteous appreciation for the match participation arranged by the administration.
REI Manner of a Team.
2. REI of players in groups (Team Match)
The two competing groups shall stand in a row facing each other. At the beginning,
SENPO (the lst player) and JIHO (second player) shall be in complete DOGU
with MEN, KOTE, and SHINAI. The last player, TAISHO, shall be the only
player in DOGU at the end.
Team line-up - ONLY TWO TEAMS
Main Stand (Judge's Table)
TAISHO < 9 steps > TAISHO
0 0 0
Sub Chief Sub
In successive matches, the next two competing teams will enter the court
at the end of the preceding match and stand in rows with the preceding teams.
Main Stand (Judge's Table)
TAISHO < 9 steps > TAISHO
Ending Position > 0 0 0
0 0 0 < Starting Position
Sub Chief Sub
However, if two teams (starting and ending) cannot stand in a row,
the two ending teams and the two starting teams shall give REI separately.
REI to the Main Stand
3. The REI to the main stand shall be conducted as follows and is
applicable to both team and individual matches:
a. At the beginning of the first match of the day and at the
beginning and ending of the final match of a tournament (three times).
b. If competition runs more than a day, at the beginning of
the first match and at the end of the last match of the day
(twice per day); except for the last day, when the final match
of the tournament is performed.
Match Points.
4. Prior to the beginning of a match, the two contestants
shall enter the court, standing nine steps apart. They shall
exchange RITSU-REI (standing REI) with SAGETO (SHINAI at the
left side of the body), take three steps forward, take SONKYO
position while drawing the SHINAI and wait in KAMAE with the tips
of the SHINAI close but not touching. At the Chief Referee's
command of HAJIME they will stand and begin the match.
5. The players shall stop promptly upon the Chief Referee's
command of YUKO DATOTSU or YAME, return to the center and take
6. A contestant shall motion to the Chief Referee when a break
is needed during a match and explain the reason for the request.
7. To resume a match after a time out, the contestants shall
take CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE at center court and commence the match
at the announcement of the Chief Referee.
8. At the Chief Referee's announcement of GOGI, the contestants
will take CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE at center court, replace their SHINAI,
step back to the inside court line and wait at the SONKYO position.
9. Contestants will also follow the preceding (8) when they must make
adjustments or correct equipment or apparel. Corrections shall be made
while kneeling.
10. At the end of a match, the contestants shall first
return to center court, take CHUDAN-N0-KAMAE and receive
the Chief Referee's announcement of SHOBU-ARI or HIKI-WAKE,
take SONKYO, replace the SHINAI, stand and take three to five
steps backward in TAITO position (holding the SHINAI at belt level),
lower the SHINAI to SAGETO and exchange a standing REI.
11. When a contestant receives a call of FUSEN GACHI, they
shall proceed with normal starting actions until the SONKYO
position as stated in (4) as if they were engaged in a match.
At the announcement they will rise from SONKYO, replace the
SHINAI and return to the standing position.
12. For a FUSEN GACHI announcement during a team match,
they victory team shall stand in a row and receive the announcement.
NITO (two SHINAI) KAMAE Procedure.
13. The contestant(s) will handle two SHINAI in the following manner:
a. Both DAITO (long) and SHOTO (short) SHINAI are carried in the left hand.
b. In taking KAMAE, the SHINAI being held by the left hand
shall be drawn by the right hand and passed to the left hand.
The second SHINAI in the left hand will be drawn for KAMAE.
c. In replacing the two SHINAI, first the one held in the
right hand will be passed to the left hand and the second
one replace to the same.
d. The remainder of procedures is the same as for ITTO (single SHINAI).
REI after a match.
14. Contestants shall refrain from REI to the Referees or from ZA-REI to
the opponent, in order to save time in a match.
Alternating Players and Referees.
15. When players alternate in a court, they shall not engage in shaking
hands or other unnecessary act.
16. Players shall not enter the court until the Referees take
their positions.
17. When alternating players, the latter shall not enter
the court until the finished player leaves the court.
1. Players shall not waste time locked in TSUBA-ZERI-AI without intention
of DATOTSU. No more than 20 seconds is allowed.
2. Contestant will establish contact with SHINAI by crossing each other's
SHINAI at the left side of the TSUBA.
3. Other:
a. TABI (footwear), taping, supporter, etc. may be used on one foot only.
It shall be approved by either the Chief Judge or Court Judge beforehand.
Other footwear such as rubber or leather soled shall not be used.
b. No time keeping devices shall be kept in the player's waiting area.
The audience shall refrain from giving players any advice by gestures
or rooting. Only encouragement by applause is allowed.
c. Players shall wear a name tag of cloth (ZEKKEN) that
identifies their dojo and family name as stipulated in the
rules of the meet.
d. Contestants shall wear their DOGU tightly to avoid it
coming off or loose during a match, and observe the following:
1. The extra length of MEN HIMO (cord) over the knot shall
not be longer than 40 centimeters.
2. The DO HIMO knot shall be tied in bow.
No. 2. Matters which Referees must pay attention to.
1. Signals from Chief Judge:
Start up.
The Chief Judge shall give the signal to start the match or
matches for the day in the following manner:
1. When there is one court, the first contestants shall enter
the court and take their starting positions. The Chief Judge
shall rise to their feet and let the Chief Referee signal the
start of the match.
2. When there is more than one court, when all the contestants
have entered their respective courts, the Chief Judge shall
rise to their feet and signal to begin with a whistle or horn.
2. Handing the Referee Flags.
Prior to the start.
1. The Court Judge shall receive the referee flags from the
Chief Judge beforehand.
The referees shall enter the court, receive their flags and
stand in the following locations:
a. Referees enter with the Chief Referee in the middle,
from the side opposite the main stand and just inside the
court line. The referees will REI towards the main stand.
b. After standing in a row inside the court, the Chief Referee
will walk to the Chief or Court Judge and receive three pairs of flags.
c. The Chief Referee shall then hand a pair of flags to
each sub referee, turning the flag handle to the receiver
and returning to their original position.
fig. 7
Referees Original Position.
2. Referees shall mutual exchange REI, carry the flags
in their right hand and position themselves in the appropriate location.
fig. 8
a. The Chief Referee's position shall be about one meter
inside the court line and in the middle of the contestants.
b. Sub referee's positions shall be about one meter inside
the court line near the main stand. Their two locations and
that of the Chief Referee's shall make a triangle.
The contestants stand in the center of the court.
Holding Flags.
3. The Chief Referee shall hold a red flag in their right
hand and the white flag in their left. Subreferees shall
hold their flags just the opposite. After the flags
are in the correct hands, the referees simultaneously REI.
Alternating Referees.
4. Referees shall move or alternate in the following manner:
a. Change of referee positions with the court shall be Chief
Referee to their right, and each subreferee to their right,
one position.
b. Alternating of referees without moving across the court
shall be made when
a replacement enters from the side of the court next to the referee.
c. Alternating a referee by moving to the next position to
the right or by crossing the court line perpendicularly to
the location of the present referee. The relieved
referee will exit by crossing the court line directly behind them.
fig. 11 & fig. 12. (Under development)
The current court referee will rotate their positions.
At the appropriate time the ex-Chief Referee (now a subreferee)
will be relieved by a new subreferee.
d. Alternating referees in a group will be made upon
completion of a team match as shown in fig. 13. (under development)
a. The retiring referees shall, after REI towards the main stand,
turn around,
hand the flags to the new group of referees by turning the flag
handles to the new referee.
b. The retiring referees shall leave the court together in a file.
Return of Flags at the end of the Tournament.
At the end of the matches, referees shall return their
flags as follows:
a. After mutual bowing, referees roll the flags with the
white flag inside, carrying them in the right hand. They
shall then return to the original starting position,
standing in a line.
b. The Chief Referee will receive the flags from the
subreferees, 1 and 2, in that order and return them to
the Chief Judge or Court Judge.
c. The Chief Referee will return to join the other two
referees REI to the main stand and leave the court in a file.
d. The Court Judges will return the flags to the Chief
Judge after all court matches have been completed for the day.
Referee's Attire:
Referees shall wear the following: however, modifications are allowed in
accordance with the rules of each particular tournament.
1. Jacket: Blue or black, plain. The Chief Judge may decide whether the
jacket should be worn or not according to the weather and other conditions.
2. Trouser: Gray, plain.
3. Shirt: White
4. Neck-Tie: Deep red (maroon), plain.
5. Socks: Blue
No. 3 Score Board Posting
1. Match results shall be posted on the scoreboard in the following manner:
(1) TSUBA-ZERI-AI CHUI. An orange colore rectangular tag
() shall be posted near the applicable name and in the upper
half of the space.
(2) HANSOKU-A. Red triangle tag (() shall be posted near
the applicable name nd below the rectangular one.
(3) Upon two HANSOKU being committed, a tag () shall
replace the HANSOKU () tag but shall be posted near the
name of the contestant not in violation.
(4) YUKO DATOTSU tags shall be posted in the same manner
as the previous example.
(5) HANTEI victory will be shown with the following tag ( ).
(6) In the case of SOSAI, the tag ( and/or ( shall be left intact;
however, the frequency of SOSAI will be recorded separately.
(7) When the match period is over, showing only one point
taken, a tag ( ) IPPON GACHI will be posted.
(8) When an overtime match has been fought, the tag ( )
ENCHO will be posted over the center line and in the lower
half of the space.
(9) When a win is given due to a foul, inability to continue
or unjustifiable act, two tags with a red circle on each
side () will be posted on the side of the winner.
Likewise, in the case of a win in an overtime, one tag
will be posted on the side of the winner.
(10) When a match ends in a draw, a tag ( ( ) will
be posted over the center line.